Morelli, Toni Lyn, Adam B. Smith, Amanda N. Mancini, Elizabeth A. Balko, Cortni Borgerson, Rainer Dolch, Zach J. Farris et al. (2020). "The fate of Madagascar’s rainforest habitat." Nature Climate Change 10(1): 89-96.
Farris Z.J., Gerber B., Murphy A., Karpanty S., and M.J. Kelly. (2020). Exploring and interpreting spatiotemporal interactions among native-invasive carnivores across a gradient of rainforest degradation. Biological Invasions,
Farris Z.J., Chan S., Rafaliarison R., and Valenta K. (2019). Occupancy modeling reveals inter-specific variation in habitat use and negative effects of dogs on lemur populations. International Journal of Primatology 40(6): 706-720.
Zohdy S., Valenta K.,…Farris Z.J. (2019). Causative agent of canine heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis) detected in wild lemurs. International Journal of Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 9 (2019): 119-121.
Murphy A., Karpanty S., Kelly M., Ratelolahy F., and Farris Z.J. (2019). Using camera traps to investigate spatial co-occurrence between exotic predators and native prey species: a case study from northeastern Madagascar. Journal of Zoology 307.4: 264-273.
Anderson C., Wang Z., and Farris Z.J. (2019). Comparison of Scent Lures on Captive Fosa (Cryptoprocta ferox): Implications for Field Methods. Journal of Zoological Research 3.1 (2019): 19-29.
Davis C., Rich L., Farris Z.J., et al. (2018). Exploring variables driving global carnivore spatial co-occurrence patterns. Ecology Letters.
Murphy A., Gerber B., Kelly M.J., Karpanty S., Ratelolahy F., and Farris Z.J. (2018). Making the most of sparse data to estimate density of a rare and threatened species: a case study with the fosa, a little-studied Malagasy carnivore. Animal Conservation,
Rasambainarivo F., Andrianalizah H., Farris Z.J, and Parker P. (2017). Interactions between carnivores in Madagascar and the risk of disease transmission. EcoHealth, 14(4): 691-703.
Farris Z.J., Gerber B., Valenta K., et al. (2017). Threats to a rainforest carnivore community: a multi-year assessment of occupancy and co-occurrence in Madagascar. Biological Conservation, Vol 210: 116-124.
Rich L., Davis C., Farris Z.J., et al. (2017). Assessing global patterns in carnivore occupancy and richness by integrating local camera trap surveys. Global Ecology and Biogeography, Vol 26 (8): 918-929.
Murphy A., Farris Z.J., Kelly M.J., Karpanty S., and Ratelolahy F. (2017). Using camera traps to examine distribution and occupancy trends of ground-dwelling rainforest birds in northeastern Madagascar. Bird Conservation International, p. 1-14; doi:10.1017/S0959270917000107.
Farris Z.J., Kelly M., Karpanty S., Murphy A., Andrianjakarivelo V., Ratelolahy F., and Holmes C. (2016). The times are a changin’: Multi-season surveys reveal exotics replace native carnivores in a rainforest community. Biological Conservation, 206: 320-328.
Murphy A., Farris Z.J., Karpanty S., ***Andrianjakarivelo V., and Kelly M.J. (2016).
Landscape trends in small mammal occupancy in the Masoala and Makira protected areas, northeastern Madagascar. Journal of Mammalogy, 98 (1): 272-282.
Valenta K., Gettinger-Larson J., Chapman C., and Z.J. Farris. (2016). Barking up the right tree: Understanding local attitudes towards dogs in villages surrounding Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar can benefit applied conservation. Madagascar Conservation & Development, 11 (2): 87-90.
Brown K ѱ., Farris Z.J., et al. (2016). Modeling co-occurrence between toxic prey and naïve predators in an incipient invasion. Biodiversity and Conservation, Vol 25 (13): 2723-2741. (ѱ Dual first author)
Murphy A., Farris Z.J., Karpanty S., Andrianjakarivelo V., and Kelly M.J. (2016). Estimating Encounter Rates and Densities of Three Lemur Species in Northeastern Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology, Vol. 37 (3): 371-389.
Farris Z.J., Golden C., Karpanty S., Murphy, A., Stauffer D., Andrianjakarivelo V., Ratelolahy F., Holmes C, and Kelly M.J (2015). Hunting, Exotic Carnivores, and Habitat Loss: Anthropogenic Effects on a Native Carnivore Community, Madagascar. PLOS ONE, Vol 10 (9), e0135456.
Farris Z.J., Karpanty S., Kelly M., Murphy A., Ratelolahy F., and Holmes C. (2015). Patterns of spatial co-occurrence among native and exotic carnivores in north-eastern Madagascar. Journal of Animal Conservation, Vol. 19 (2): 189-198.
Farris Z.J., Gerber B., Kelly M.J., Karpanty S., Murphy, A., and Andrianjakarivelo V., (2015). When carnivores roam: temporal patterns and overlap among Madagascar’s native and exotic carnivores. Journal of Zoology, Vol. 296 (1): 45-57.
Farris Z.J., Boone H., Karpanty S., Kelly M., and Murphy A. (2015). Feral cats and the fitoaty: first population assessment of the black forest cat in Madagascar’s rainforests. Journal of Mammalogy, Vol. 97 (2): 518-525.
Farris Z.J., Karpanty S., Ratelolahy F., and Kelly M.J. (2014). Predator-primate distribution, activity, and co-occurrence in relation to habitat and human activity across fragmented and contiguous forests in northeastern Madagascar. International Journal of Primatology Vol. 35 (5): 859-880.
Farris Z.J., Kelly M., Andrianjakarivelo V., Ratelolahy F., Karpanty S., and Holmes C. (2012). Confirmation of Brown-tailed mongoose (Salanoia concolor) across Makira Protected Area: Photographic evidence from camera trapping. Small Carnivore Conservation. Vol. 47: 82–86.
Sefczek, T.L., Farris, Z.J., and Wright, P. (2012). Aye-aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) feeding strategies at Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar: An indirect sampling method. Folia Primatologica 83(1):1-10.
Farris Z.J., T. Sefczek, T.L. Morelli, and P.C. Wright. (2011) Presence and Distribution of Aye-Aye (Daubentonia madagascariensis) within Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar. Folia Primatologica 82(2):94-106.
Book Chapters
Farris Z.J. and Goodman S.M. (In Press). Galidictis fasciata, broad-striped vontsira, vontsira fotsy. In The Natural History of Madagascar, 2nd edition, ed. S.M. Goodman. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Farris Z.J. and Goodman S.M.. (In Press). Fossa fossana, Malagasy spotted fanaloka, fanaloka. In The Natural History of Madagascar, 2nd edition, ed. S.M. Goodman. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Farris Z.J. and Murphy A. (In Press). Salanoia concolor, brown-tailed vontsira. In The Natural History of Madagascar, 2nd edition, ed. S.M. Goodman. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Farris Z.J., Gerber B.D., Murphy A., and Wampole E. (In Review). Camera Trapping Madagascar: Previous Applications and Future Directions. In The Natural History of Madagascar, 2nd edition, ed. S.M. Goodman. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Farris Z.J. and Goodman S.M. Galidia elegans, ring-tailed vontsira, vontsira mena. In The Natural History of Madagascar, 2nd edition, ed. S.M. Goodman. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Rivera, K, Gerber, BD, and Farris, Z.J. (In Press). Eupleres goudotii, small-toothed civet, falanouc. In The Natural History of Madagascar, 2nd edition, ed. S. M. Goodman. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Farris Z.J. and Murphy A. (In Press). Viverricula indica, small Indian civet, jaboady. In The Natural History of Madagascar, 2nd edition, ed. S.M. Goodman. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Farris Z.J., Gerber, B., Karpanty S., Kelly M., and Ratelolahy F. (In Press). Spatio-temporal overlap between a native and exotic carnivore in Madagascar: Evidence of competitive exclusion. In Small Carnivores: Ecology, Evolution, Behavior, and Conservation. Editor Emmanuel Do Linh San. Wiley-Blackwell Publishers.
Book Reviews
Farris Z.J. (2012). Keeping a Field Notebook: A Review of Canfield, Michael R., editor. 2011. Field notes on science & nature. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Journal of Ecology 93(3): 691-692.